180912_노래(Blue Smoke - Dayless) 본문


180912_노래(Blue Smoke - Dayless)

금준준 2018. 9. 12. 10:31


Your love is blue smoke

Filling up my lungs

I never intended to stay this long
You had me losing time,
Forgetting my mind
I couldn't define the look in your eye

Burning up my throat
But I hold it in
Then pour it out
Like a melting cloud
Slipping through my hands
Consuming everything
Your love is Blue smoke.


I always imagined love like milk
Smooth and cool, something soothing
This wasn’t what I had in my mind

Burning up my throat
But I hold it in
Then pour it out
Like a melting cloud
Slipping through my hands

Consuming everything
Your love is blue smoke.
Your love is

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